Erich and Petra were able to meet us in Nelson before we left and we traveled to Marahau to start our experience of the Abel Tasman. We took a water taxi to Torrent Bay, which was about 12 km away. I love being in boats, so I had the biggest smile plastered on my face during the ride (even though it was going so fast I couldn't take a picture without my camera smacking my face and was getting salt water spashed on me from most directions). The views from the boat had me in awe by the time they dropped us at Torrent Bay (aka paradise) and we were on our way. We walked that 12 km back to the car in about 4 hrs.
This park is awesome in size and beauty. Similar to the Kahurangi, many people hike and kayak through the area for 3-5 days. That must be quite the experience. I am so impressed with the people that take these trips (and there are a lot of them). Hiking and camping for days with everything you need on your back is a huge accomplishment. But, as with many things that are a lot of work and sacrifice, I think the rewards are great. I feel really good (although tired) after walking and spending the day in places like this. I love that these environments are kept naturally beautiful and yet enjoyed by so many people.
Torrent Bay:
The beginning of our walk:
Beautiful views...
The sky filled with clouds when we got back to Marahau:
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